Our Service

Going Into a Date Blind
Could Rob You Blind

Online dating has become a way for innocent, well-intended women and men, particularly of the age of 50 years and older, to become easy targets for online predators,

Golden Glow Investigative & Protective Services, LLC is dedicated to providing you with protection against fraud, financial losses, harm and other personal losses, including identity theft, as you navigate the current web of online dating activities through dating platforms that cannot protect you from exposure to vicious scam artists.

Golden Glow Investigative & Protective Services, LLC will detect and mitigate these activities by conducting searches to either confirm or disprove information that a prospective date provides you. Any discrepancies will be related to you (our client) within 3-5 business days by email.

All investigative searches and functions will be conducted by me. I am the licensed NYS private investigator, Isham A. Latimer, under license ID number 11000085040.

If you wish to receive private investigative services against insurance fraud, identity theft, asset losses, and possible physical harm, begin your personal protection from these activities now.

Do not go blindly into the online dating game without the level of trust, security and confidence you deserve.

Contact me: 

Isham A. Latimer
Owner and Private Investigator
Golden Glow Investigative & Protective Services, LLC

Cell: (516)459-8223
Company Email: info@goldenglowsecurity.com

I will personally respond to your call, text or email.

Investigations Are
Done By

Golden Glow Investigative & Protective Services
"We've got your back!"